E-Library - English

Internet safety, censorship and security
Basic Internet Security by Floss Manuals, published in 2011
Digital Security and Privacy manual for human rights defenders, published by Front Line in 2007
Safe reporting on human rights abuses, by Benetech
About filtering, an overview, by OpenNet Initiative
Staying safe on the web by Google
and here the results of their research
Guide to safely and securely producing media by Small World News, published in 2011
Report by Freedom House (date unknown) on choosing the right circumvention tool in Iran
A report on cultural censorship in Iran, published by Small Media in 2011
A how to guide to prevent companies from tracking your online behaviour, by Mozilla (date unknown)
A global guide on bypassing censorship, published by Citizen Lab in 2007
A discussion paper on net neutrality by Access, published in 2011
A paper on whether or not to regulate the Internet by Access, 2011
An explenation on attacks on SSL encryption and how to protect yourself, by Access, 2011
And an updated addendum for Iranian users after DigiNotar affair, Access, 2011
Tips for online security, Access, 2011
A report on how Denial of Service attacks work and how to respond to it, Access, 2011
What are the cyber trhreats for civil society? A report by Access published in 2011
A guide for using GPG encryption software, published by Access in 2011
Report by the OpenNet Initiative on Internet filtering in Iran, published in 2009
All documents published by Access, on global digital freedom
How-to guides by Movements on all sorts of online activities
Human Rights, Freedom
Iran human rights review young
Freedom on the Net 2011, a Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media
Freedom on the Net 2011, a Selection on Iran
Freedom on Press 2012, breakthroughs and pushback in the Middle-East
A Toolkit for Journalists Reporting on Gender and Human Rights Issues
Manuals for protection of human rights defenders, English version published by Front Line in 2005
Digital Security and Privacy manual for human rights defenders, published by Front Line in 2005
Protection handbook for human rights defenders, published by Front Line in 2007
Following this, Access designed a 5 step action plan for telecom companies
The English version of 'Aswat' a citizen platform in support of activists and reformers
And the Aswat extensive online resource library
Journalism and media
Tragedies & Journalists-a guide for more effective coverage
"Cross-Posting" An Introduction to Effective Social Media Integration
The International Center for Journalists
Video: Jeff Howe explains in 3 minutes what crowdsourcing is
Guide to safely and securely producing media by Small World News, published in 2011
Toolkits and guidelines by Tectical Technology Collective
A manual for investigative journalism, published by Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism
An interview on visual journalism, published by The Guardian Weekend on 21 January 2006
Digital media tutorials by the Knight Digital Media Center, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
A how-to guide for (wannabe) bloggers, published by Reporters Without Borders in 2005
A how-to guide for twitter published by Creative Commons (date unknown)
An Iranian journalist discusses journalism ethics on the International Journalists' Network website
WebGuide for video making by Videomaker
Mobile Media Toolkit, by Mobile Active, to learn all about mobile reporting
About the values and challenges of social media, published by Access in 2011
Software download sites
Share reading material, download books
Collection of free video software downloads
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iran_human_rights_review_youth.pdf | 1.2 مگابایت |